"ERROR [qtp1148375229-52] Failed to invoke action method: coreui_Task.run, java-method: org.sonatype.nexus.coreui.TaskComponent.run com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException: Cannot put key value entry in index DB name="config"

We have trying to run a cleanup task and it results in error messages mention below
"ERROR [qtp1148375229-52] admin com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.OPartitionedDatabasePool$DatabaseDocumentTxPooled - $ANSI{green {db=config}} Error on transaction commit 26307DEA
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException: Cannot put key value entry in index
DB name=“config”
"ERROR [qtp1148375229-52] admin org.sonatype.nexus.extdirect.internal.ExtDirectExceptionHandler - Failed to invoke action method: coreui_Task.run, java-method: org.sonatype.nexus.coreui.TaskComponent.run
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.OStorageException: Cannot put key value entry in index
DB name=“config”

The Nexus support has mentioned that the “The disk holding the work directory is nearly full, and the databases have gone into read only mode to prevent corruption.”

* Mount Point: /usr/nxupd (/dev/mapper/nxupd-nxupd)
* Type: xfs
* Total Space:       1702149226496
* Usable Space:      45961441280
* Unallocated Space: 45961441280

However, when our DBA looked at the database and mentioned that "DB is in read write mode otherwise we wont be able to do basic activity like backup etc "

Can someone please let us know what we can do to resolve this issue.
