NEXUS OSS 2.14.18-01 SEARCHING / 412 Precondition Failed

Hello Community,

Quick question please.

Using NEXUS OSS 2.14.18.-01 on Linux

When doing Repository Searches (“Advanced Search” on the Nexus WEB GUI) I always see this WARNING message in the Nexus logs. Is this safe to ignore? It is just a warning, but looks concerning.

"2021-06-09 15:41:58,970-0400 WARN [qtp1964861774-8970] admin org.sonatype.sisu.siesta.server.internal.mappers.WebApplicationExceptionMapper

  • (ID e87db3ef-52d4-4ace-a337-b8272c5e9e41) Response: [412] ErrorXO{id=‘e87db3ef-52d4-4ace-a337-b8272c5e9e41’, message=‘412 Precondition Failed’} mapped from"

Just checked against OLD NEXUS past version 2.8.1 – same WARN message when searching.

Maybe this is a WAD ? (works as designed)
