OSS Nexus 3.22.1: Admin password reset pop window is throwing error

Hi ,

When I upgraded Nexus from 3.15 to 3.22 from sonatype/nexus3:3.22.1. The Nexus pod is running , but it throws a error for whatever passwords are fed .

2020-05-15 11:43:17,817+0000 WARN [qtp1045928504-47] ethanadmin org.sonatype.nexus.siesta.internal.resteasy.ResteasyViolationExceptionMapper - (ID 87918525-d54f-4c1f-8786-07057488cf81) Response: [400] '[ValidationErrorXO{id=‘PARAMETER arg0’, message=‘p[]assword is a required field, and cannot be empty.]’; mapped from: [PARAMETER]

Is there a way to change the passwords from the backend? ANyone has faced these issues.
