Unable to upgrade from 3.28.1 to 3.37.3

Hi all,

I have a Nexus OSS 3. 28.1 container installation and I’m not able to upgrade to 3.37.3
The running container is:

# docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                    COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                                                               NAMES
d9e671f67d90        sonatype/nexus3:3.28.1   "sh -c ${SONATYPE_DI…"   13 months ago       Up 2 hours>18077-18079/tcp,>8081/tcp,>8443/tcp   nexus3_3_28_1

The command used to run it was:

docker run -d -p 80:8081 -p 443:8443 -p 18077:18077 -p 18078:18078 -p 18079:18079 --name nexus3_3_28_1  --restart=unless-stopped -v /root/certs:/opt/sonatype/nexus/etc/ssl -v /nexus_data:/nexus-data  sonatype/nexus3:3.28.1

Now I’m trying to upgrade to 3.37.3 using a docker-compose file:

# cat docker-compose.yml
version: '2'
    container_name: nexus_new
     - "80:8081"
     - "443:8443"
     - "18077:18077"
     - "18078:18078"
     - "18079:18079"
    image: sonatype/nexus3:3.37.3
    restart: unless-stopped
     - /root/certs:/opt/sonatype/nexus/etc/ssl
     - /nexus_data:/nexus-data

Unfortunately the new container continues restarting every 20 secs. In the log I have the following errors:

{"log":"2022-01-08 19:41:11,011+0000 ERROR [jetty-main-1] *SYSTEM org.sonatype.nexus.bootstrap.jetty.JettyServer - Failed to start\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2022-01-08T19:41:11.012415375Z"}
{"log":"2022-01-08 19:41:22,150+0000 ERROR [quartz-9-thread-2] *SYSTEM com.google.common.eventbus.EventBus.nexus - Could not dispatch event BucketUpdatedEvent{metadata=AttachedEntityMetadata{schema=bucket, document=bucket#28:1{attributes:[0],repository_name:reply-nexus-public} v3}, remoteNodeId=null} to subscriber org.sonatype.nexus.repository.storage.internal.BucketEventInspector@c8a872e method [public void org.sonatype.nexus.repository.storage.internal.BucketEventInspector.onBucketUpdated(org.sonatype.nexus.repository.storage.internal.BucketUpdatedEvent)]\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2022-01-08T19:41:22.153652216Z"}
{"log":"2022-01-08 19:41:22,159+0000 ERROR [quartz-9-thread-2] *SYSTEM org.quartz.core.ErrorLogger - Unable to notify JobListener(s) of Job that was executed: (error will be ignored). trigger= nexus.f0ff1323-2446-415b-92f0-d2e61ca22429 job= nexus.f0ff1323-2446-415b-92f0-d2e61ca22429\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2022-01-08T19:41:22.160554541Z"}
{"log":"2022-01-08 19:41:22,158+0000 ERROR [quartz-9-thread-1] *SYSTEM org.quartz.core.ErrorLogger - Unable to notify JobListener(s) of Job that was executed: (error will be ignored). trigger= nexus.fe12e699-e87d-4348-b518-9b887479b80b job= nexus.fe12e699-e87d-4348-b518-9b887479b80b\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2022-01-08T19:41:22.172075548Z"}
{"log":"2022-01-08 19:42:35,791+0000 WARN  [search-service-impl 0-7-thread-1] *SYSTEM org.elasticsearch.action.bulk - [EF3BA6C9-36D30D92-97838E41-96043AB1-F7A3B5C7] unexpected error during the primary phase for action [indices:data/write/bulk[s]], request [BulkShardRequest to [4326630e6b6d57e6db2e9e44a70e185b8229c433] containing [28] requests]\n","stream":"stdout","time":"2022-01-08T19:42:35.795013362Z"}

I would like to ask you what should I do to have the new version fo the Nexus repo and the old content.

Can you share the full content of your nexus.log, please? Here (publicly accessible) or by creating a ticket in our issue tracker.

Can we upgrade directly to higher version or we need to follow cumulative upgrade path