Unknown server error on Dependencies tab



GET 	https://lift.sonatype.com/api/web-console/v1/results/github.com/rgmz/NewPipe/01GBE8TKZVG08F4JFSYKSD6EZF/sbom-summary
Status Code: 500

{"message":"Internal server error"}

Other details

Using Firefox Developer Edition 104.0b10 on Mac.
Ad block is not enabled.

@rgomez Thank you for the report, sorry this got in your way. I see the issue, we have a ticket, and there should be a fix in the next release. We’ll reach out here once the fix is delivered and verify things are working smoothly for you.


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@rgomez The HTTP 500 issue has been resolved, but the SCA system does net yet digest NewPipe repository’s gradle build. We’re looking into the issue.