"401 Content access is protected by token" authentication failure while performing maven release

Nope, the instructions don’t work.

Please roll-back whatever change was made so that I can continue to publish.

I’m not sure if it’s related, but out of nothing I’m today getting Cannot get stagingProfiles for account (403) although publishing has worked for me last week. I’m already using a token issued from oss.sonatype.org and trying to publish there. Any hints?

Ok, what worked for me was to reset and recreate the user token at https://oss.sonatype.org/ and replace my old tokens with the new ones :+1:t2:

Similar as steinarba:

  1. I can log into https://s01.oss.sonatype.org using my username and my password.
  2. After clicking “Access User Token”, when it says “You have requested an operation which requires validation of your credentials”, I enter the same password and get “Username mismatch”.

I noticed that the dialog at step 2 shows my username lowercase (“nicolas_raoul” instead of “Nicolas_Raoul”). That might be the issue? The username in that dialog unfortunately can not be modified, and modifying it after fiddling with the “readonly” attribute does not do the trick.

EDIT: The next day I tried again and this time it worked. This time I tried logging into https://s01.oss.sonatype.org using my username transformed to lowercase (“nicolas_raoul”), maybe that helped?