Conan search failures

I am experiencing errors with the interaction between conan search and the Nexus conan repos. Is anyone having success where I am not?

Here is a list of my remotes:

(virtualenv) austin@Austin-PC-GM export % conan remote list
conan-dev-proxy: [Verify SSL: True]
conan-dev-hosted: [Verify SSL: True]
conan-center: [Verify SSL: True]

Searching the Nexus hosted repo produces a 404 error. I have verified simpleini is a package that exists in that repository. Clearing my users and “logging” into conan-dev-hosted with a known good user doesn’t change the result.

(virtualenv) austin@Austin-PC-GM export % conan search simpleini -r=conan-dev-hosted
ERROR: 404: Not Found. [Remote: conan-dev-hosted]

Searching the Nexus proxy repo produces a timeout error. The expected result should show the matching packages in the Nexus repository and(?) the matching packages in the proxied public server (, in this case). There is probably some discussion needed about what is returned, between the Nexus repo and public server.

(virtualenv) austin@Austin-PC-GM export % conan search openssl -r=conan-dev-proxy   
ERROR: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=8443): Max retries exceeded with url: /repository/conan-dev-proxy/v1/conans/search?q=openssl (Caused by ReadTimeoutError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=8443): Read timed out. (read timeout=60.0)"))
Unable to connect to conan-dev-proxy=
1. Make sure the remote is reachable or,
2. Disable it by using conan remote disable,
Then try again.

Here is a successful search of the public repository, labeled Conan-center in my remotes list.

(virtualenv) austin@Austin-PC-GM export % conan search openssl -r=conan-center
Existing package recipes:


I have tried conan versions 1.21.1 and 1.26, and our Nexus repository manager is OSS 3.22.1-02.

Most other commands work, including conan install and conan upload. We are also having trouble with conan remove, but that’s a separate topic.

EDIT: Here is my Nexus repo configuration, to verify that it is correct:


Hello @austin
It looks like really time out issue. I have faced with it on mine side and was able to resolve it by increasing time out value:

  1. On NXRM side you can set value in milliseconds, default value 120000msec(2 minutes)
  2. On Conan client side request_timeout config property in conan.conf file(in seconds), default value is 60sec(1 minute)

Hello @iudovika, amazing! You’re right for the proxy repo. I made the changes and conan search now returns the results from the public Conan Center index repo. Thank you so much!

Do you have any ideas for why the hosted repos are “not found”?

@austin the conan search feature is currently only available for proxy repositories

Hello @mdodgson - ah, that makes sense. I was just looking through the NXRM logs to see if I could find more info or curl a search manually. Thank you for the info. Any timeline for implementing search for the hosted repos? Looking in the web GUI works perfectly right now anyways.