Error in latest version 3.47.0 of Nexus


Is somebody experimenting with slow transfer with the 3.47 version when the job is trying to download dependencies from Nexus?

My second customer is executing a Jenkins job but it is taking too long. Thanks!


Slow download is a symptom of the database corruption, because download hangs until the timeout occurs. So if you have a look at nexus logs, you might meet the same problem than us. Sorry for you :slight_smile:

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Sonatype is aware of multiple reports of issues when upgrading to Nexus Repo 3.47.0. We are discouraging use of 3.47.0 until these issues are investigated and resolved.

You may choose to watch this issue: Loading...


Thanks for the updates.
I’m waiting for our backup to be restored to a different location on the filesystem.
In the meantime I’m still letting the reconcile task run (28 hours now).
Any idea how long it might take with almost 300GB? I think restoring the backup sounds like the better option.

We fixed this by reverting to 3.46.0 and restoring a backup. Now everything is working smoothly.
We had initially fixed it by redeploying our artifacts. That worked for a while, but then all the blobs broke again, thus breaking everything.

Thanks, Dominique, finally we restored the data from the day before this release, 6th February, and we started the container in 3.46. Now, our customer is able to execute jobs again.

Thanks so much!

Nexus Repository 3.47.1 has been released to address some of the issues reported here.


I have stopped my reconcile task and upgraded to 3.47.1 as I am still waiting for the backup to be restored on a different location.

I’m letting all users test now but so far everything seems to be working fine now!


We are also encountering this issue.

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Likewise, and running the reconcile task is a definite no go for us as at the current rate it would take weeks (over 2TB of data) to complete.

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Hi @philipsen.sergi and @nielsmeijer.
I stopped my reconcile and then immediately upgraded to 3.47.1.
Upgrading to 3.47.1 fixed our problems.
The errors are gone. Still checking the logs every now and then but all seems fine now, no complaints anymore from all the users.


Ah glad there’s already a fix available! Thanks for the heads up.

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