Nexus Repository WebUI stuck at Initializing

Have just installed the Nexus Repository Manager v3.29.2-02 on a RHEL 8.3 x86_64 physical server with plenty of RAM (124 GB) and plenty of CPU (16).

Followed the installation documentation and the install went without error. Also installed java thru dnf, which is v 1.8.0_282. However upon pointing my browser to localhost:8081, I get the Nexus Repo Manager Web UI, however it continues to show Initializing and does not proceed any further.

Upon inspecting the nexus.log, there are a lot of error entries and this one below occurs after starting Nexus

2021-02-26 11:21:42,020-0500 WARN  [qtp506977302-195]  *UNKNOWN - Failed to get state from$1 (ignored) Unable to provision, see the following errors:

1) Error injecting constructor, NONE (No such file or directory)
  at / (via modules: ->
  while locating
  while locating java.lang.Object annotated with *
  at org.eclipse.sisu.wire.LocatorWiring
  while locating
    for the 5th parameter of<init>(
  at / (via modules: ->
  while locating
  while locating java.lang.Object annotated with *
  at org.eclipse.sisu.wire.LocatorWiring
  while locating
    for the 1st parameter of<init>(
  at / (via modules: ->
  while locating
  while locating java.lang.Object annotated with *

Because we have a lot of hardware resources, I’ve modified nexus.vmoptions for > 32 GB and still having the same issue.

I’ve also tried to set JAVA_HOME to the following: /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.8.0-openjdk-

One thing note, this OS has been hardened, and not sure if that would be the root cause or not at this time. However searching online, don’t see anyone else having the exact issue.


I believe you’ve specified a trust store that doesn’t exist in your configuration.

I think you are referring to setting up SSL certs for Nexus, correct? I’m not familiar with Trust Store.

I can’t even log into the Nexus Repository Web UI, unless there is something I can do from the CLI, but this is a brand new install.

from the exception nexus hasn’t started properly its unlikely the UI will function.

Don’t recall during the Nexus Repo install specifying Trust Store. I installed from source (nexus-3.29.2-02-unix.tar.gz)

I don’t see any documentation from Nexus/Sonatype where I could find this information to confirm that a Trust Store has been setup. I’ve looked under /opt/nexus/nexus-3.29.2-02/bin/nexus.rc and nexus.vmpotions files and don’t see any entries that relate to that. Maybe its in a different file…?

Looking at the Nexus documentation for SSL Certs, looks like I could create a self signed certificate and import it into /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.8.0-openjdk-

SSL Certificate Guide – Sonatype Support?

But what I have in my $JAVA_HOME is different then above, which is the following:


It doesn’t have the /lib/security directory.

Just wanted to report back.

The physical server that we installed Nexus, the OS (RHEL8) was hardened and that caused the install issue.

There are around 341 changes that were made and we can’t possibly figure out which one caused the issue. Therefore we’ve pivoted and going to run Nexus from a container.

Thanks for all of the help.

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i fixed this with:

yum reinstall ca-certificates
systemctl restart nexus
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I was able to resolve this issue by disabling FIPS
fips-mode-setup --disable

Additional STIG alterations that might be necessary are found here: Installing repo manager on RHEL 8 - #4 by daniel.babcock