Upload to OSSRH varying error codes since July 22nd

Hi guys,

As announced a while ago I switched everything from username/password to token/password but since two days I can’t upload new artefacts to OSSRH via the Maven plugin with varying error codes:
Sometimes it is 401 use a token.
Sometimes it is 403 forbidden
Sometimes it is 502 bad gateway
Sometimes I get an immediate rejection, sometimes it times out after 20 minutes.

I also see constant issues on https://status.maven.org/ but even on phases “without an incident” I can’t push…

I am trying to deploy in group com.helger if that helps.

Any idea when OSSRH will be back to a stable state?

Edit 1: eventually I locked my account due to GitHub actions trying too often while OSSRH was down? I am lost in the username/password jungle - sorry.

Thanks and BR,

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Same here. Can’t push artifacts or login into https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/

See Upload via ant/Maven stopped working with "reason phrase: Unauthorized (401)" - #14 by edeboer for feedback from Sonatype on this.

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Beat me to it. Thank you @ph1!