A problem about npm group repo

a kind of group repo named “npm_public” contains a proxy repo named “npm_proxy_zcy_group2”;
a npm package named “vuetify-3.3.23” is in the “npm_proxy_zcy_group2” proxy repo;
but when I browse npm_public, I can not find this package;
Does anyone know the reason?

I can think of two possibilities:

  • You’ve hit the limit to the number of results that can be returned at a given level of the tree which exists for performance reasons
  • The user accessing browse lacks the permission to see the package in the context of the group repository

thank you for your reply. but:

  1. I have not config the limit of the number results. And do you know where the configuration to set?
  2. I am the admin of Nexus,I have all the permission, so maybe not this reason

Its not exposed via the application, there is a property nexus.browse.component.tree.maxNodes but note this could run your system out of memory, crash the browser etc.

thank you , I got it