Blobs have 0 count and size after OrientDB to H2 migration completed for 3.70.3-01

I have an issue with OrientDB to H2 migration.
nexus version is OSS 3.70.3-01 ( Installing and Running with the Distribution Archive on Rhel9 )
migration tool version is 3.70.3-01
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_422-b05)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.422-b05, mixed mode)

Migration tool finished without errors.
Did everything according to Upgrading to 3.71.0+ for Instances Using OrientDB, Nexus Repository 3.70.x, and Java 8 or 11

But after I started nexus on H2 in UI I see all blobs show 0 count and size.

I can access(pull/push) artifacts though.

Tried to run tasks for each blobstore separately with type “Repair - Recalculate blob store storage”.
That helped partially. Some of blobs show correct numbers, but not all.
For the blob that is bound to the helm type repo it shows incorrect value (MBytes instead of GBytes).
I tried migration twice from scratch and got same result. So the behavior is reproducible.

Please any help/explanation or steps to fix.

Thank you.

Looks like the reason of blob sizes difference is the blobs//content/tmp directory that can be cleaned up with “Admin - Delete blobstore temporary files” task