Bom Dr not working

After running a scan against our github project using Sonatype lift (ie Sonatype Lift -- Console )

there is a tab ‘Bom Dr (Beta) which just reports ’ Unknown error.Visit the communityfor help.’

I’m here for help… intrigued to know what it is / why it is failing.

Hi Nigel,
I can tell you that the error message is something that appears will be fixed in the next release. We were showing it too aggressively and it now does not show on my local scan of a fork of your repo.

That being said looking at the build logs from your scan it appears the Bill of Materials section did also error so I suspect the team will need to investigate why.

They’ve been notified and I’ll try and make sure any ticket that they create has a note to follow up with you.

Thanks for your patience,

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thanks. I’ll keep an eye out on that tab or for any ticket notifications

Hi Nigel,
I verified there’s no more error screen but the report still isn’t working which I brought up with the team and believe they’ll be triaging that Monday. I have linked this thread in the (internal) ticket to make sure we keep you posted.
Have a good weekend, thanks for your patience,

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It’s worth mentioning that I just got our 4.0 build working today - ie fixing up some issues,
(This is a future release where we switch over fully to gradle)
but probably no difference to lift since we’d already configured that to use gradle

ie Sonatype Lift -- Console

Bom doctor is still failing - reporting some invalid dependency metadata then hitting stack exception

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Hi Nigel,
Sorry for the holiday delay. The team triaged this while I was out and it’s in their to do pile.
I have made a note in the ticket that you are curious, so someone should update here when complete if not me.
Thanks for your patience,