Hi, I am trying to use Nexus as a mirroring server to a Azure artifacts repository, which requires authentication, but I’m not able to achieve this. I tried different things, including using HTTP Auth settings for the proxy, with and without “Enable Cookies” and “Enabled circular redirect”, but I always get an error like:
“UNKNOWN com.sonatype.nexus.repository.nuget.internal.NugetFeedFetcher - Status code 404 contacting https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/**************/nuget/v3/index.json/Search?$skip=0&$top=80&searchTerm=’’&targetFramework=’’&$filter=IsLatestVersion&includePrerelease=false&semVerLevel=2.0.0&$orderby=Id”
(Note: I can access the Azure repository directly without going to the Nexus proxy, so its not a problem with the Azure respository)
Is this a supported scenario currently? Do I need to configure something else?
Are there any news or solutions. We struggle with the same problem:
Try to proxy a azure devops artifact repository without success. We tried it with a private feed (with credentials) and also a public feed but does not work in anyway.
@jstephens we are evaluating the possibility to have our DevOps artifacts package also to be published in the on-prem Nexus registry. Is nexus team aware of the issue posted in this thread, where could we find the technical support could help us to solve this issue?