Component Repair: Now with more formats

In NXRM3, we have a task Repair - Reconcile component database from blob store. Over the past year, we have been adding coverage to the various formats and in 3.16.0 added coverage for Docker. This means our most heavily used formats (Maven, Docker, NPM, RubyGems, Raw, Yum and PyPI) can all be repaired using this task. Because the task is configured against a blobstore, it runs the same way now as it did on initial release.

While at it, we improved the logging and internal tests around this area as well.

The Repair - Reconcile task is not for every day or scheduled use. This should be used only when repairing a known or suspected inconsistency between the component database and the blob store. For example, after a full restoration, or when advised by customer support.

For more on this (and all our tasks) see our documentation.