It would be too smart way to give the details of integration against each integration as part of Browse view…
It is quite painful to know all such configurations… unless it has been fixed only for the commercial version…
It would be too smart way to give the details of integration against each integration as part of Browse view…
It is quite painful to know all such configurations… unless it has been fixed only for the commercial version…
For most of the format’s if you click that ‘copy’ button in the url column it will show you a link to our docs page for configuring the repository for that specific format. E.g. maven will show:
Configuration details that are more helpful say for maven…
nexus * ${env.NEXUS_URL}/maven-public/releases ${env.NEXUS_USERNAME} ${env.NEXUS_PASSWORD} snapshots ${env.NEXUS_USERNAME} ${env.NEXUS_PASSWORD}<servers>
nexus central ${env.NEXUS_URL}/maven-central/ true true releases ${env.NEXUS_URL}/maven-releases/ true false<profiles>
and pom
... releases ${env.NEXUS_URL}/maven-releases/ snapshots ${env.NEXUS_URL}/maven-snapshots/ ...
for gradle kotlin DSL
import org.gradle.api.artifacts.dsl.RepositoryHandler
plugins {
}repositories {
}publishing {
publications {
create(“mavenJava”) {
}repositories {
maven {
name = “releases”
url = uri(“${System.getenv(“NEXUS_URL”)}/maven-releases/”)
credentials {
username = System.getenv(“NEXUS_USERNAME”) ?: “”
password = System.getenv(“NEXUS_PASSWORD”) ?: “”
isAllowInsecureProtocol = true
maven {
name = “snapshots”
url = uri(“${System.getenv(“NEXUS_URL”)}/maven-snapshots/”)
credentials {
username = System.getenv(“NEXUS_USERNAME”) ?: “”
password = System.getenv(“NEXUS_PASSWORD”) ?: “”
isAllowInsecureProtocol = true
}// Extension function to configure the Nexus repository with insecure protocol allowed
fun RepositoryHandler.configureNexusRepo(handler: RepositoryHandler) {
handler.maven {
url = uri(“${System.getenv(“NEXUS_URL”)}/maven-public/”)
credentials {
username = System.getenv(“NEXUS_USERNAME”) ?: “”
password = System.getenv(“NEXUS_PASSWORD”) ?: “”
isAllowInsecureProtocol = true
Is your idea to have code samples like the ones you shared added to the documentation?
For example, the link in the modal links to this help doc for Maven: Configurations
True, against each repo we configure, not just the URL but how to change respective pom.xml, gradle build or package.json etc so that now that build start using local nexus etc…