Custom region for S3 blob storage


I’d like to create an S3-based blob store.
The thing is I don’t host my data on AWS, but on OVH (FR/EU cloud provider).
OVH provides an S3-compatible service, that I successfully use for other purposes.

But the regions are not the same as for AWS S3, and the list of available regions seem to be a static dropdown list on Nexus GUI. So how should I give my OVH region when creating an S3 blob storage ?

Others may have input based on usage but Sonatype only currently supports AWS on S3 storage. That is in this case, that’s all that has been tested, documented and known working, accepting tickets for and troubleshot by our support technicians.
So anything non-AWS your milage will vary for sure.
Sorry that’s not helpful but wanted to give the stance in case you felt just no-one was replying.

Ha! Yes, I can imagine my setup is not officially supported.
However I was still hoping there’d be a way to make it work, and that maybe someone here would have some tips.
Thanks anyway!

Hello, for anyone struggling with this :

You can actually use a custom region, with a little hack.
When creating the blobstore, you can edit html select value and set it to the appropriate region.

This works.

I didn’t tested through Api, but it may be possible as well.

However it is not all you need to make it work. You also need to ensure that S3 API is fully implemented. Which is not the case for OVH so it won’t work, and fail with 405 error Method Not Allowed.

I known it works with Scaleway’s S3 API.

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