Customize Welcome page in Sonatype Nexus Repository ManagerOSS 3.29.2-02


I want to customize the “Welcome page” using my own layout. I’ve disabled the outreach plugin and now a default empty page is shown with title “Learn about Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager”.
Setting the “sonatype-work/nexus/conf/branding.png” also didn’t work.

Question is how can I customize this page?
Is this possible in the community version or is professional version required for this?

Kind Regards,


The outreach capability can be configured to load a zip file that contains anything you want displayed in the outreach iframe (it just needs an index.html file).


This is not working. Zip file can be accessed as I don’t see errors in the log files.
Can you provide me the layout of such file. I have created an uncompressed zipfile with an index.html file inside it. Should the index.html be created in some folder?



Just the root - the archive will only be downloaded once every 24-hours, there is a configuration option on the capability to disable caching that you could use for testing (you should not leave that off as it has performance implications)

Hi Matthew,

the simple index.html is located in my root zip file. And my “Outreach management” plugin is active and caching is already enabled. But this does not work in my community version “Sonatype Nexus Repository ManagerOSS 3.29.2-02”.



If you want you can view the current outreach zip file by downloading You might also consider hitting <nxrm-url>/service/outreach/ directly and checking the browser console. Finally, you can turn up the logging for to TRACE to get some additional logging which should tell you if the bundle is found and extracted.