Happy December! It’s a month where we often slow down and reflect. But don’t slow down too much, because we’ve got a Learn package that’s jam-packed with extremely topical learning.
Component End-of-Life Lesson: A lack of updates to end-of-life components may present a sense stability and of false security; leaving you and your organization at risk. With Lifecycle’s Component End-of-Dashboard, you’ll not only be aware of bad news when it hits, but also prepared to take action.
Managing the Risks of AI and Large Language Models in the Software Supply Chain Lesson: AI and large language models, such as the Hugging Face library, have transformed the software development landscape but carry with them certain risks and vulnerabilities. This lesson discusses those risks and how to be vigilant in an uncharted new territory.
Also, recent IQ Server releases have been packed with new functionality. Check out two brief demos about our AI/LLM detection capabilities and our component end-of-life policy to get started today. Also check out a demo on the big enhancements to our integration with GitLab Ultimate. These brief videos are designed to showcase the improvements and help you duplicate the results for yourself!