Docker push fails wuth "server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client" error

Hi Team,

I have created docker(hosted)repository and trying to push image and getting below error

[root@XXXXXX ~]# docker tag envoy:v2 XXXXX:18078/rancher:mytag
[root@XXXXXX ~]# docker push XXXXX:18078/rancher:mytag
The push refers to a repository [XXXXXX:18078/rancher]
Get https://XXXXXX:18078/v1/_ping: http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client

Kindly suggest what am i missing.


Hi there Makesh,

Looks like the Docker daemon is expecting an SSL connection and it is not getting it back. Is the 18078 connector an HTTP connector, or HTTPs?

The following page goes over the intricacies of setting up a registry in Repository Manager to correctly communicate with a docker client: SSL and Repository Connector Configuration

If you created an HTTP connector in Repository Manager, you can quickly test the theory by marking it as ‘insecure’ with the daemon: Test an insecure registry | Docker Documentation
I will warn you, the use of this flag is not supported by Repository Manager, but this test can help guide your next steps.