Download more than 10000 artifacts from Nexus 3.65

I am unable to download more than 10000 artifacts from Nexus 3.65 .
I even set index.max_result_window to 50000 , but its not working . Can someone please suggest what next can be done ?

What happens when you download the 10001st artifact following the prior successful 10000? How are you downloading them - 10000 consecutive curls? I haven’t done that kind of mass download, but I’ve paginated through more than 10000 artifacts via the API without issue. What happens if you download the smallest artifact 10000 times - same issue?

I am using continuous to fetch the list of artifacts name . After it fetches the 10000th artifact the value of continuous token is 0 and the loop exits . Below is the command i am using :-

    continuationToken_=`curl -k -u ${nexus_cred} -X GET "${protocol}://${nexus_url}/service/rest/v1/search/assets?repository=${repository_name}" | grep continuationToken  | tr -d '"' | awk '{print $3}'`
    curl -k -u ${nexus_cred} -X GET "${protocol}://${nexus_url}/service/rest/v1/search/assets?repository=${repository_name}" | grep -i downloadurl | tr -d '"' | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d ',' >> ${1}.lst

    if [[ {$continuationToken_} != "null" ]]; then
        while [[ ${continuationToken_} != "null" ]]

    #if   [ ! -z ${continuationToken_} ] ; then
        #while  [ ! -z ${continuationToken_} ]

             curl -k -u ${nexus_cred} -X GET "${protocol}://${nexus_url}/service/rest/v1/search/assets?repository=${repository_name}&continuationToken=${continuationToken_}" | grep -i downloadurl | tr -d '"' | awk '{print $3}' | tr -d ',' >> ${1}.lst

             continuationToken_=`curl -k -u ${nexus_cred} -X GET "${protocol}://${nexus_url}/service/rest/v1/search/assets?repository=${repository_name}&continuationToken=${continuationToken_}" | grep continuationToken  | tr -d '"' | awk '{print $3}'`

             echo "continuationToken_ is ${continuationToken_}"