Downloading artifacts from NXRM 3

I am new to Nexus and have a basic question.

I have a C# application and using Jenkins for builds and storing the generated deployment package (zip) in Nexus. I now want to use the same package and deploy that to higher environments (TEST, PROD) by taking it from Nexus. I am not finding any easy way to download a Nexus artifact through Jenkins pipeline. I am curious to know the reason for that. Uploading to Nexus repository is so easy, but why download is not ?

Is my requirement wrong ? Is this not how Nexus is supposed to be used ? How else would I use the deployed package for TEST/PROD regions instead of building the code again ?

Would appreciate if someone from the community or from NXRM team can provide some insights to this.

Downloading from Nexus is trivial, if you aren’t using a particular client you can generally find the download path in the UI.

Hi @mpiggott, I have the download URL but want it to be scripted as part of Jenkins pipeline. Should I be using curl for that ?
I am currently using Nexus Artifact uploader and Nexus Platform plugins, and none of them provide any download option.

There isn’t a right way to do it form the perspective of Nexus, its really up to how you want to write your pipeline deployment.

You might consider using the REST API to download the artifact (you can see the REST API under Admin > System > API)