Error downloading artifacts from maven hosted repository after 2 weeks from upload

Dear Support team and Nexus community,

Your support please for below error while downloading artifacts from maven hosted repository after 2 weeks from upload.

1- admin - **Attempt to access non-existent blob** a3e9003d-ab35-422b-81d0-11378144e5a7 (/app/sonatype-work/nexus3/blobs/test-artifacts/content/vol-05/chap-25/

2- admin - **Exceeded retry limit: 8/8** ( Blob test-artifacts@65E423C3-2512661E-AE9CF77D-DFCC4801-63B55EE3:a3e9003d-ab35-422b-81d0-11378144e5a7 exists in metadata, but is missing from the blobstore).

3- admin - **Failure servicing: GET /repository/test-artifacts/test/release/r23.1.1/** Exceeded retry limit.

Caused by: Blob test-artifacts@65E423C3-2512661E-AE9CF77D-DFCC4801-63B55EE3:a3e9003d-ab35-422b-81d0-11378144e5a7 exists in metadata, but is missing from the blobstore.

This suggests that the files on disk have been deleted.

If you’re using Nexus inside a docker container ensure that you’ve configured a volume as per the Persistent Data section.

I’m currently running Nexus on a Linux server, not within a Docker container.