Error on fetching record during browsing. The record has been skipped 3.37.1

Hello There,

we are using nexus 3.37.1 and we were getting below error

2022-12-16 03:50:04,730+0100 ERROR [quartz-11-thread-1] *SYSTEM - Error rebuilding browse nodes for repository: RepositoryImpl$$EnhancerByGuice$$646338082{type=proxy, format=npm, name='yarn-central'} Could not re-create browse nodes

so we tried to repair database but then we received below

$ANSI{green {db=component}} Error during index rebuild Cannot index record #20:820737: found duplicated key 'OCompositeKey{keys=[#16:16, null, fr/XXX/XXXi/XXXX/XXXt/api/logging/maven-metadata.xml.md5]}' in index 'asset_bucket_component_name_idx' previously assigned to the record #19:820697
	DB name="component" INDEX=asset_bucket_component_name_idx RID=#19:820697

so we tried suggestions from here

but now- we are getting below error when we run repair database command

$ANSI{green {db=component}} Error on fetching record during browsing. The record has been skipped
com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.ODatabaseException: Error on retrieving record #19:94507 (cluster: asset)
        DB name="component"

Can you please guide what we can do here to repair database.
