ERROR: there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification to upload packages

Hello everyone!
Take these error. When i want to upload npm package in repository, nexus given error :

ERROR: there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification

It’s strange, cause i was take this errors on only npm package and information about this package is in the postgres table, but not in nexus web repository . What’s problem?

Using nexus v3.40.1-01

i’m really don’t understand what can i do. Can anyone tell me what’s problem?

@chukengem, this looks like an issue with PostgreSQL—if so, what you should do is get your authorized support contact to get in touch with Sonatype support.

Problem solved.This is a duplicate in Postgres due to which it cannot display some repositories. I saw the error by accident at the very beginning of the PG logs.