Error to Push images from Jenkins to Nexus Repository

Se intento depurar por espacio los volumenes que crea docker sobre nexus y estamos obteniendo el siguiente error: Reached max retries: 8/8
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor293.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)

No se ha logrado encontrar solucion en los threads de internet que han generado una problematica similar.

Hi everyone,

We solved this issue. Our filesystem of files on Nexus Repository where is saved blobs was filled and it cause that database was desynchronized with data that we had on Jenkins. Finally we deleted the images on docker on jenkins and we built they again. We thought that it is due to that the layer vmon (var/lib/docker/outs/mnt) was corrupted and it was the error that we were getting. We hope it can help someone :slight_smile:

It’s not possible to diagnose this from the log snippet provided. I suggest raising an issue in the “dev - nexus” project at and attaching the full nexus.log.

Sorry, I put this comment on the wrong thread. :slight_smile:

Gracias pardopilar por compartir como pudo resolverlo.

Thanks pardopilar for sharing how you were able to solve it.