Facing issue when using Nexus as a Helm repository

Hello, I have a helm chart which has few dependency chart. When I am trying to upload the helm chart in helm(hosted) repo by default the uploaded name is taking the dependency chart name and version.

This is my Chart.yaml

apiVersion: v2
description: some_description
name: xxx_cucp_x86
version: 30.00.203+1.33

  - name: xxx_cucp_app_x86
    version: 30.00.203+1.33
  - name: xxx_cucp_app1_x86
    version: 30.00.203+1.34

After uploading the file to nexus the name is like this xxx_cuup_app_x86-30.00.203+1.33.tgz, whereas it should be the parent chart name and version xxx_cuup_x86-30.00.203+1.33.tgz.

Can anyone help me on this?

Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
