GET components API is responding with two columns of same name. how do I differentiate them?

I am using GET components using APEX_WEB_SERVICE.MAKE_REST_REQUEST .
But the response for is showing the same column twice. How do I differentiate .

That’s clearly not right. Can you share all of the relevant details? What version and edition (OSS or Pro) of Repository are you using? What REST endpoint are you calling, and what parameters are you using?

I am using
version is OSS 3.70.2-01
The code is very simple and straight. other Apis returns correct response. Only in this case I am receiving blobCreated twice.


I’d seen this issue with 3.42.0 (Pro) when calling /service/rest/v1/components?repository=blah. I had raised it in an email with a Sonatype colleague, but was informed that it had been ticketed and solved in 3.48.0.

However, I’ve just run the same GET on a golang-format repo. on 3.68.1-02 (Pro) and then a docker-format repo. on 3.69.0-02 (also Pro), and both responses contain duplicate blobCreated fields as shown in Deepika’s initial example image.