"helm search repo" will only show the proxied repos, not the Nexus hosted one

Running “helm search repo” shows 0 charts from the hosted helm repo.

Here’s the generated index.yaml being served by Nexus.

apiVersion: v1
  - name: lightrun-onprem
    description: Helm chart for Lightrun's onprem deployment
    version: 1.7.0-app.3
    created: 2022-10-13T21:44:40.622Z
    appVersion: 1.7.0
    digest: f4db0b8f6c89b4e1043f5eda42117eb611942e131dd460543bbbdbb083ffb1c8
    - lightrun-onprem-1.7.0-app.3.tgz
  - name: lightrun-onprem
    description: Helm chart for Lightrun's onprem deployment
    version: 1.8.0-app.4
    created: 2023-01-04T18:58:11.988Z
    appVersion: 1.8.0
    digest: e6ca0e073f1cd4351b65c5495567ffff85cac849d4269b87018462649584e00e
    - lightrun-onprem-1.8.0-app.4.tgz
  - name: lightrun-onprem
    description: Helm chart for Lightrun's onprem deployment
    version: 1.22.4-app.1
    created: 2024-02-29T15:45:10.466Z
    appVersion: 1.24.0
    digest: 08b85179f0b8bcc49a9678a81347cde23837d8af90550d72441860d2370047ea
    - lightrun-onprem-1.22.4-app.1.tgz
generated: 2024-02-29T15:45:11.471Z

Hi Brooke, this seems like something worth opening on nexus-public as it sounds like a bug.