Hosting Gradle Plugins - Nexus is removing files randomly

I’m using Nexus OSS 3.68.1-02. I have created a maven-type hosted repository, to which I’m publishing my custom Gradle plugins.
Gradle is a bit “special”. Let’s say that you my plugin is in group “”, with name “bar” and version “1.2.3”. Normally Maven would publish packages like this:

org / foo / bar / 1.2.3 / bar-1.2.3.jar
org / foo / bar / 1.2.3 / bar-1.2.3.module
org / foo / bar / 1.2.3 / bar-1.2.3.pom
org / foo / bar / maven-metadata.xml

But if you publish Gradle plugin it looks like this:

org / foo / bar / 1.2.3 / bar-1.2.3.jar
org / foo / bar / 1.2.3 / bar-1.2.3.module
org / foo / bar / 1.2.3 / bar-1.2.3.pom
org / foo / bar / / 1.2.3 /
org / foo / bar / / maven-metadata.xml
org / foo / bar / maven-metadata.xml

And the strangest thing is that after some time (I cannot tell exactly when, because sometime is like days, other times is weeks or even months) the path org / foo / bar / disappears! Just like that! Nothing in logs. Oh, and there is no cleanup policy set up on this repository.

Is it known issue?

Do you mean the metadata disappears or the pom.

The other question might be whether they are still available for download