I’m using Nexus OSS 3.68.1-02. I have created a maven-type hosted repository, to which I’m publishing my custom Gradle plugins.
Gradle is a bit “special”. Let’s say that you my plugin is in group “org.foo”, with name “bar” and version “1.2.3”. Normally Maven would publish packages like this:
org / foo / bar / 1.2.3 / bar-1.2.3.jar
org / foo / bar / 1.2.3 / bar-1.2.3.module
org / foo / bar / 1.2.3 / bar-1.2.3.pom
org / foo / bar / maven-metadata.xml
But if you publish Gradle plugin it looks like this:
org / foo / bar / 1.2.3 / bar-1.2.3.jar
org / foo / bar / 1.2.3 / bar-1.2.3.module
org / foo / bar / 1.2.3 / bar-1.2.3.pom
org / foo / bar / org.foo.bar.gradle.plugin / 1.2.3 / org.foo.bar.gradle.plugin-1.2.3.pom
org / foo / bar / org.foo.bar.gradle.plugin / maven-metadata.xml
org / foo / bar / maven-metadata.xml
And the strangest thing is that after some time (I cannot tell exactly when, because sometime is like days, other times is weeks or even months) the path org / foo / bar / org.foo.bar.gradle.plugin
disappears! Just like that! Nothing in logs. Oh, and there is no cleanup policy set up on this repository.
Is it known issue?