How can i upload a folder of dependencies to a nuget hosted repo in nexus by commands?

I need to upload a folder of dependencies to a nuget hosted repo by commands, how can i do that?

There isn’t a one-step ‘upload folder’ feature, I would recommend using a short script to drive the command-line client. Have you used the nuget command-line client?

yeah, i have, but i have the idea that you need to package each file and upload it, am i wrong? Can you package a full folder?

Yes, that sounds correct: upload them each separately. Nexus Repository expects each file you upload to a NuGet repo to be a properly formed NuGet component whose internal metadata identifies its package name, version, etc.

So each file needs to be uploaded with a single push command? Can’t i upload a batch or a folder?

Yes, as I said above, there’s no one-step ‘upload folder’ feature, you’d write a short script to drive the command-line client.

You’ve cleared my mind. Thanks.