How to check the Nexus Repository Manager version from Linux command line?

How to check the Nexus Repository Manager version from Linux command line?

Hi Pete,
Currently the easiest way to get the version of Nexus 3 from the command line is to use curl and parse the ‘Server’ response header.

$ curl --include --silent http://localhost:8081/ | grep Server

Server : Nexus/3.12.0-01 (PRO)

Hey Pete,

What’s the use case for this?

As you can gather from @mworthington answer, we don’t have a super easy way to accomplish this, but I’m interested to hear what you’re looking to do.


Thanks for the answer - I’ll try that…

I’m responsible of Our CI/CD delivery environments and there is quite a lot of different software running… I have created a healtcheck Jenkins/RobotFrameWork job which collects diffrent kind of information from all CI servers to one page - there I need this. I collect this information from all used SWs…


I also would like a way to retrieve the version number programmatically. This could be used to help tell if a REST API feature would be supported by the server (based on the Nexus OSS version).

I currently cannot use the suggestion from @mworthington because my nginx reverse proxy seems to be replacing the Response Header server field with nginx/1.2.0. Maybe there is a way to overcome this issue with a configuration change on the nginx side, but I think it would still be good if the REST API allowed for a place to GET Nexus server information such as the version.


While this is an old thread, I’m also looking for answers and found one: this is through swagger.

curl -s http://localhost:8081/nexus3/service/rest/swagger.json|jq -r '.info.version'

Hope this helps.