HTML5 index page needed for PIP

Recently we have been getting the following message:

DEPRECATION: The HTML index page being used (https://xxxxx.zzz/repository/PIP-Proxy/simple/python-dateutil/) is not a proper HTML 5 document. This is in violation of PEP 503 which requires these pages to be well-formed HTML 5 documents. Please reach out to the owners of this index page, and ask them to update this index page to a valid HTML 5 document. pip 22.2 will enforce this behaviour change. Discussion can be found at [DEPRECATION] Moving away from html5lib to html.parser · Issue #10825 · pypa/pip · GitHub

Is it possible to generate these index pages using the HTML5 schema?


This has been filed as - [NEXUS-31057] Pypi simple index should be proper HTML5 document to be PEP503 compliant and ready for pip version 22.2 and newer - Sonatype JIRA

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