I have recently upgraded the nexus from to facing LinkedHashMap

Hi Team,

I am new to groovy getting the below error while creating the maven proxy. Please help me i am struck on this issue from last week.

groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: name for class: java.util.LinkedHashMap$Entry\Possible solutions: value

code i used is:

    import groovy.json.JsonOutput
    import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
    import org.sonatype.nexus.repository.config.Configuration
    import java.util.Map

    parsed_args = new JsonSlurper().parseText(args)

    List<Map<String, String>> actionDetails = []
    Map scriptResults = [changed: false, error: false]
    scriptResults.put('action_details', actionDetails)

    repositoryManager = repository.repositoryManager

    private Configuration newConfiguration(Map map) {
        Configuration config
        try {
            config = repositoryManager.newConfiguration()
        } catch (MissingMethodException) {
            // Compatibility with nexus versions older than 3.21
            config = Configuration.newInstance()
        config.with {
            repositoryName = map.repositoryName
            recipeName = map.recipeName
            online = map.online
            attributes = map.attributes as Map
        return config

    private boolean configurationChanged(Configuration oldConfig, Configuration newConfig) {
        if (oldConfig.attributes.httpclient)
            if (oldConfig.attributes.httpclient.authentication == [:])
                oldConfig.attributes.httpclient.authentication = null
        return oldConfig.properties == newConfig.properties

    parsed_args.each { currentRepo ->

        Map<String, String> currentResult = [name: currentRepo.name, format: currentRepo.format, type: currentRepo.type]

        recipeName = currentRepo.format + '-' + currentRepo.type

        existingRepository = repositoryManager.get(currentRepo.name)

        try {
            if (existingRepository == null) {
                log.info('Creating configuration for new repo {} (Format: {},  Type: {})', currentRepo.name, currentRepo.format, currentRepo.type)
                // Default and/or immutable values
                configuration = newConfiguration(
                        repositoryName: currentRepo.name,
                        recipeName: recipeName,
                        online: true,
                        attributes: [
                                storage: [
                                        blobStoreName: currentRepo.blob_store
            } else {
                log.info('Loading configuration for existing repo {} (Format: {},  Type: {})', currentRepo.name, currentRepo.format, currentRepo.type)
                // load existing repository configuration
                configuration = existingRepository.configuration.copy()

            // Configs common to all repos
            configuration.attributes['storage']['strictContentTypeValidation'] = Boolean.valueOf(currentRepo.strict_content_validation)

            // Configs for all proxy repos
            if (currentRepo.type == 'proxy') {
                authentication = currentRepo.remote_username == null ? null : [
                        type    : 'username',
                        username: currentRepo.remote_username,
                        password: currentRepo.remote_password

                configuration.attributes['httpclient'] = [
                        authentication: authentication,
                        blocked       : false,
                        autoBlock     : true,
                        connection    : [
                                useTrustStore: false

                configuration.attributes['proxy'] = [
                        remoteUrl     : currentRepo.remote_url,
                        contentMaxAge : currentRepo.get('maximum_component_age', 1440.0),
                        metadataMaxAge: currentRepo.get('maximum_metadata_age', 1440.0)

                configuration.attributes['negativeCache'] = [
                        enabled: currentRepo.get('negative_cache_enabled', true),
                        timeToLive: currentRepo.get('negative_cache_ttl', 1440.0)

            // Configs for maven proxy repos
            if (currentRepo.type in ['proxy'] && currentRepo.format == 'maven2') {
                configuration.attributes['maven'] = [
                        versionPolicy: currentRepo.version_policy.toUpperCase(),
                        layoutPolicy : currentRepo.layout_policy.toUpperCase()

            if (existingRepository == null) {
                currentResult.put('status', 'created')
                scriptResults['changed'] = true
                log.info('Configuration for repo {} created', currentRepo.name)
            } else {
                if (!configurationChanged(existingRepository.configuration, configuration)) {
                    currentResult.put('status', 'updated')
                    log.info('Configuration for repo {} saved', currentRepo.name)
                    scriptResults['changed'] = true
                } else {
                    currentResult.put('status', 'no change')

        } catch (Exception e) {
            currentResult.put('status', 'error')
            currentResult.put('error_msg', e.toString())
            scriptResults['error'] = true
            log.error('Configuration for repo {} could not be saved: {}', currentRepo.name, e.toString())

    return JsonOutput.toJson(scriptResults)