Dear Sonatype,
you recently announced the introduction of the community tier and I would like to provide you with some feedback from your users’ perspective on how you introduced this critical change.
First of all, I have nothing against free services turning into paid services, so you will not find criticism about that part here.
Here is a summary of my understanding of what you communicated (I’ve read several communication channels and was a little confused at first):
- the version that was free before introduction of the community tier will remain available
- fewer formats will be supported (e.g. no more rpm, pypi, npm)
- no builds available from Sonatype, so you need to build it yourself from the nexus-public repo
- no usage limitations
- the version receives further maintenance (bug fixes, security, …)
- the community tier is basically free as well and even introduces additional formats
- but - it introduces usage limits and if you exceed these, your nexus starts rejecting certain operations
- you grant a grace period of 45d for those who suddenly notice they exceed the usage limits, so they can buy a pro license
Now here is my view: I have used Sonatype Nexus (Free) for more than a decade and always appreciated the service it provided for free. I am also considering buying a Pro license to continue using it, because I am basically satisfied as solution for corporate use.
What I really dislike about your move, though, is that you basically give me no choice other than buying a license, because the transition period you chose is way too short for any corporate scenario to evaluate the situation and, in case we would decide for an alternative, execute the necessary change to our development process, including teaching the users.
I understand that it is economically not your interest to have people looking for alternatives and possibly leaving, but I do not think you need to be afraid of that so much, because your solution works fine and a lot of people would probably jump aboard the licensed train anyway. I would just consider it much more fair to grant a period of +6 months for such transition and I could imagine you already knew a year ago that you would introduce this tier, so either I missed the memo or someone forgot that it would make sense to let people know about the incoming changes.
Why do I feel like having no choice other than buying a Pro license? Because I have several formats in use that will not be supported by the free version anymore, so I cannot just build it for myself and keep going. I also cannot just continue using the pre 3.77.0 version, because as far as I understood, it will not receive (security) updates anymore, so my service turned into an EOL brick all of a sudden and it would not be responsible to keep it running (especially being reachable from WAN). It is not realistic to do a proper evaluation and execute a possible change to a different solution within 45d either.
So I will buy the license. But I do not feel this was a fair move the way it was done. I would suggest you at least offer backporting security fixes to the 3.76 branch for some longer time. Or you extend the grace period of the community tier, if that is easier. Not because you are obliged to continue providing support for something that you have been offering for free for so long, but because the behavior of a vendor in situations like that also influences future choices of people deciding which tools to use/buy, so I think this is in your interest.