Internal Server Error: REST API v2 Source Control Evaluation

currently we are migrating from Jenkins to Github Actions. In Jenkins we used this plugin to evaluate our policies, which unfortunately doesn’t exist for Github Actions. Therefore we are using the Rest API

But unfortunately, there is always an Internal Server Error with a different ID for every call, whenever calling the statusUrl. In the following you can see the Github Action step. Does anyone know, how to solve this error?

- name: 🛡️ Retrieve Security Scan Report
  run: |
    echo "Trigger SourceControl Evaluation"
    postReportUrl='${{ vars.NEXUS_IQ_URL }}/api/v2/evaluation/applications/${{ secrets.NEXUS_IQ_APP_ID }}/sourceControlEvaluation'
    curl -u ${{ vars.NEXUS_IQ_USERNAME }}:${{ secrets.NEXUS_IQ_PASSWORD }} -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d ${postReportBody} ${postReportUrl} >> statusId.txt
    statusId=$(echo "$(<statusId.txt)"| awk -F 'status/' '{print $2}' | cut -d'"' -f 1)          
    getStatusUrl="${{ vars.NEXUS_IQ_URL }}/api/v2/evaluation/applications/${{ secrets.NEXUS_IQ_APP_ID }}/status/${statusId}"
    while [[ ${status} == "PENDING" ]]
      sleep 10
      curl -u ${{ vars.NEXUS_IQ_USERNAME }}:${{ secrets.NEXUS_IQ_PASSWORD }} ${getStatusUrl} >> status.txt
      status=$(echo "$(<status.txt)"| awk -F '"status":"' '{print $2}' | cut -d'"' -f 1)    
    echo "Policy evaluation status: $status"
    echo "Retrieve Report"
    getReportUrl='${{ vars.NEXUS_IQ_URL }}/api/v2/reports/applications/${{ secrets.NEXUS_IQ_APP_ID }}/history?stage=build&limit=1'
    curl -u ${{ vars.NEXUS_IQ_USERNAME }}:${{ secrets.NEXUS_IQ_PASSWORD }} -X GET ${getReportUrl} >> nexus_output.txt

Hi @s63205785! Moving to a different category for visibility.