Invalid checksum digest format

Dear all,


Couldn’t find anything useful on the net so I am asking your assistance to figure out the below error and push image successfully. Really appreciated for your helps.

Nexus Pro 3.37.3-02
Docker version 20.10.15, build fd82621

Using default tag: latest
The push refers to repository [172...:4528/***]
0cde7962a2ec: Layer already exists
5f70bf18a086: Layer already exists
9e76ed4c9402: Layer already exists
c17c60266ba3: Layer already exists
4bb9d2f55486: Layer already exists
dbcc5783df1a: Layer already exists
fe05af3bb097: Layer already exists
10e6bc6fdee2: Layer already exists
invalid checksum digest format

Its possible this may have been fixed and might be rectified by updating to a newer version.

If you’re a Nexus Pro customer (from your message, this would appear to be the case) I’d suggest filing a support ticket.

Hello Matthew,

Thanks for your response. We have identified the problem and fixed it. It caused from a typo mistake in the /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/http-proxy.conf file which caused docker could not load NO_PROXY variable. First error was
9bc8affe4c64: Retrying in 1 second

received unexpected HTTP status: 200 OK

Then we have pushed to another repository successfully accessible over http proxy. But then when we try back the nexus repo (which is not accessible over http proxy) we have got “invalid checksum digest format”

Now it make sense. Thanks.

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