Is 3.70.0 the last build for OSS as no more DB after this version

Is 3.70.0 the last build for OSS as no more DB after this version?

Is it even safe to upgrade to it on java 11 and not get version locked with no way to downgrade to the 3.69.X line?

all notes about upgrading need to make DB changes and all of that is locked under an pay wall.

“We expect to announce the availability of a different database for OSS customers in August’s 3.71.0 release.” :grinning:

so it’s safe to update to 3.70 with java 11?

Release 3.71.0 includes multiple breaking changes; 3.71.0 and beyond do not support OrientDB, Java 8, or Java 11. Carefully read both these release notes as well as our help documentation on upgrading to 3.71.0 and beyond before upgrading to this release.

H2 Now Available for OSS & is the Default for New Installs
OrientDB, Java 8, and Java 11 are all now in Extended Maintenance, and H2 is now the default database for new Nexus Repository installations. This means that H2 is also now available for OSS. Read more below

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