Maven Deploy validation failed: Invalid signature for file

I tried to validate in other places and it works, because I didn’t change anything other than updating to 0.3.0 of the central-publishing-maven-plugin (previous versions receive a 500 error from sonatype)

My pom.xml is here → at4j -

Central-Build → central-bundle

Did you solve this?

Yeah, I had to add

                        <phase>package</phase> <---this

To all of them

Hi Breno ,
i tried doing the same and i am still facing the same issue since 5 days . can you kindly help me on this.
this is my pom.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


    <relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->


<description>This is a light-weight jar used where all the pojos required for my project are stored</description>

        <name>Apache License 2.0</name>



    <!-- -->

                        <keyname>// not attaching this in the reply</keyname>


        <name>bug hunter98</name>


In my case the problem was that I didn’t upload the gpg public key to server. Check docs here

The command itself:

gpg --keyserver --send-keys {INSERT_YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY_HERE}

But wait a bit, Sonatype has some cache for keys

Hi Oleg Kuzmin,

I also have the same problem and wanted to ask

How much time does it take for Sonatype’s server cache to confirm the GPG key?
