Maven proxy setup between repostories hosted on 3.62.0 and 3.15.2 nexus version

I have two version of a nexus setup on using docker images. One container hosts version 3.62.0 and another one hosts 3.15.2 version. I am setting up maven proxy to replicate artifacts from version 3.62.0 repository to 3.15.2 repository. Both containers are hosted on AWS EC2 instances, sharing same vpc and subnet and are reachable over ping and using same credentials for Authentication. The status of proxy repository is Online - Ready to connect, but I do not see any artifact from remote location proxied here, basically repository is empty in 3.15.2 version. below are the logs from nexus.log.

2024-01-09 07:20:00,034+0000 INFO [quartz-3-thread-19] SYSTEM - Task ‘Storage facet cleanup’ [] state change RUNNING → WAITING (OK)
2024-01-09 07:30:00,013+0000 INFO [quartz-3-thread-20] SYSTEM - Task ‘Storage facet cleanup’ [] state change WAITING → RUNNING
2024-01-09 07:30:00,026+0000 INFO [quartz-3-thread-20] SYSTEM - Task ‘Storage facet cleanup’ [] state change RUNNING → WAITING (OK)
2024-01-09 07:37:06,519+0000 INFO [qtp766171614-206] youradmin - Updating repository: mo-snapshots-proxy → Configuration{repositoryName=‘mo-snapshots-proxy’, recipeName=‘maven2-proxy’, attributes={maven={versionPolicy=SNAPSHOT, layoutPolicy=STRICT}, proxy={remoteUrl=http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8081/repository/my-snapshots, contentMaxAge=5.0, metadataMaxAge=0.0}, httpclient={blocked=false, autoBlock=false, authentication={type=username, username=youradmin, password=
*, ntlmHost=, ntlmDomain=}}, storage={blobStoreName=default, strictContentTypeValidation=true}, negativeCache={enabled=true, timeToLive=1440.0}, cleanup={policyName=None}}}
2024-01-09 07:37:06,525+0000 WARN [qtp766171614-206] youradmin - Value appears to be already decrypted
2024-01-09 07:37:06,544+0000 WARN [qtp766171614-206] youradmin - Value appears to be already decrypted
2024-01-09 07:37:06,549+0000 WARN [qtp766171614-206] youradmin - Value appears to be already decrypted
2024-01-09 07:37:06,552+0000 INFO [qtp766171614-206] youradmin - Remote connection status of repository mo-snapshots-proxy set to Ready to Connect.
2024-01-09 07:40:00,011+0000 INFO [quartz-3-thread-20] *SYSTEM - Task ‘Storage facet cleanup’ [] state change WAITING → RUNNING
2024-01-09 07:40:00,015+0000 INFO [quartz-3-thread-20] *SYSTEM - Task ‘Storage facet cleanup’ [] state change RUNNING → WAITING (OK)

Are these versions are compatible to setup maven2 proxy?
If yes what details should be checked further?

Proxy repositories don’t proactively mirror binaries, that happens when someone requests the binary through the proxy. If you want content pushed across proactively, there’s a Pro feature called content replication.

Separately, 3.15 is very old and dangerously vulnerable, we recommend upgrading that at the first chance you get.

okay, thank you @mprescott
you said, “Proxy repositories don’t proactively mirror binaries, that happens when someone requests the binary through the proxy.”. I am new to nexus, what will i have to do to request binary through proxy?
Is there any specific process for it?

I also checked status of remote proxy, its Online -Ready to Connect means it is able to identify the remote location and it found reachable. The one where proxy functionality is working between version 3.38.1 to 3.15.2 status is Online - Remote available.

Anything further I should check from status point of view?

hi @mprescott
I am able to replicate the repo when requested, I used below command to manually request it
curl -X GET http://uname:pwd@xx.xx.xx.xx:8081/repository/mo-snapshots-proxy/com/xx/eaa-proptima-ffrmtsvc/4.2-SNAPSHOT/eaa-proptima-ffrmtsvc-4.2-20190510.190231-3-sources.jar --output demo.jar

here, remote location is version 3.62 and proxy is on 3.15
Now I am trying the reverse scenario
remote location is version 3.15 and proxy is on 3.62 , using the same command to replicate the connect. I have mentioned correct server name and file path when executing the command.
when i checked the logs I found this difference
there is a difference I found in attributes of a maven proxy settings

version 3.15
2024-01-10 11:34:42,115+0000 INFO [qtp1069699063-349] admin - Updating repository: mo-snapshots-proxy → Configuration{repositoryName=‘mo-snapshots-proxy’, recipeName=‘maven2-proxy’, attributes={maven={versionPolicy=SNAPSHOT, layoutPolicy=PERMISSIVE}, proxy={remoteUrl=http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8081/repository/mycom-snapshots/, contentMaxAge=5.0, metadataMaxAge=0.0}, httpclient={blocked=false, autoBlock=false, authentication={type=username, username=admin, password=****, ntlmHost=, ntlmDomain=}}, storage={blobStoreName=default, strictContentTypeValidation=false}, negativeCache={enabled=true, timeToLive=1440.0}, cleanup={policyName=None}}}

Version 3.62 - Updating repository: test-proxy → OrientConfiguration{repositoryName=‘test-proxy’, recipeName=‘maven2-proxy’, attributes={replication={enabled=false, preemptivePullEnabled=false}, maven={versionPolicy=SNAPSHOT, layoutPolicy=PERMISSIVE, contentDisposition=INLINE}, proxy={remoteUrl=http://xx.xx.xx.xx:8081/repository/test/, contentMaxAge=5.0, metadataMaxAge=0.0}, httpclient={blocked=false, autoBlock=false, authentication={type=username, username=admin, password=****}}, storage={blobStoreName=default, strictContentTypeValidation=false}, negativeCache={enabled=true, timeToLive=1440.0}}}
this is the diff
attributes={replication={enabled=false, preemptivePullEnabled=false}
can you help further?

Anyone knows if anything changed in proxy setup in version 3.62 and 3.63.
I am able to replicate the contents there as well using maven proxy.
I tried to pull the content explicitly. Also there are no logs for this issue.
Status of proxy repo is always ready to connect.
the response of curl is 404 not found. I have verified the url from source location.
below is what i using in my curl request
curl -X GET http://uname:pwd@xx.xx.xx.xx:8081/repository/proxy-repo-name/path-i copied-from-remote-repo-location.
If I use the curl on sourec repo with its ip address and path I am abale to download the content. Anything being missed in path or setup
i am creating proxy repo from UI by providing relevant details and then performing this curl request
can anyone help with this issue?