Migration from orientDB to H2, upload of new artifact returns 500 - official solution 3.71.0 OSS

Referring to the topic Update from v3.70.1 to 3.71.0 - #10 by wwojciechp which is already closed the problem is about auto-increment in migrated database to H2.

The resourceful question is whether a fix for nexus-db-migrator will be released. Currently there is a version available: https://download.sonatype.com/nexus/nxrm3-migrator/nexus-db-migrator-3.70.1-03.jar

However, after migration, the error 500 described in the indicated thread is returned, what is the official position of sonatype? Will a new version of the migrator be released, if so in what time period? However, should we use the script from GitHub? Personally, I would prefer to use the official solution despite the script from comunity works.


Regarding to this post on GitHub, fix ha been released:

I’m getting the same error after upgrading. I upgraded from 3.68 to 3.70 then I upgraded my DB to H2 then to 3.72.

Now my self-hosted repos are getting the same issue but my proxy repos are now affected. I am running Nexus in a Docker container.