Modify/set admin password in nexus3 sonatype via helm chart

Have anyone tried of setting admin password via helm chart ?

I tried below seems like not working .

helm install my-nexus sonatype/nexus --set

Where did you find this property? Checking our source I don’t see this particular property.

You should be able to use an environment variable NEXUS_SECURITY_INITIAL_PASSWORD containing the password which will only work for the first time Nexus is started.

I did add env variable “NEXUS_SECURITY_INITIAL_PASSWORD” in helm values.yaml . This is not working for me. Appreciate your response . Thanks

      value: "#####"

Hello Richard,

Could you also try adding the following in conjunction with the above:

   value: "false"

Alternatively, try the following:

helm install my-nexus sonatype/nexus \
--set secret.nexusAdminSecret.enabled=true \
--set secret.nexusAdminSecret.adminPassword=myDesiredPassword

Hi @laurencet , Thanks much .
But either of your solutions are not working for setting up admin pwd while bootstrapping nexus oss instance. :confounded:
I believe* only works incase of nxrm-ha .

Hello everyone, I am also trying to figure out how to set the initial admin password in the nexus3 helm chart (Chart Version 61.0.2). Any chance on adding this to the non HA version?

The default login is randomized and can be found in /nexus-data/admin.password or you can get the initial static passwords (admin/admin123) by setting the environment variable NEXUS_SECURITY_RANDOMPASSWORD to false in your values.yaml.

Its worth noting that this helm chart has being depreciated because:

Deploying Nexus Repository in containers with an embedded database has been known to corrupt the database under some circumstances.

If you’re a Pro customer we recommend using an external PostgreSQL database if deploying in a containerised deployment.