New in Nexus Repository 3.20: R Format Support & More

We are pleased to announce the release of Nexus Repository 3.20. In this release, we bring you new npm & security enhancements, cleanup policies, and native support for R repositories. Developers everywhere are leveraging the power of R for a wide variety of statistical and graphical techniques, so we are very excited for our data science Nexus users and customers who can now use Nexus Repository to proxy and host CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) repositories for R.

Refer to the full release notes and a brief highlight below to get further details on Nexus Repository 3.20 features.

npm Whoami Support

Developers can now tell if they are properly logged into the repository before they begin certain actions such as tagging or pushing any components.

npm Private Repository Login Enhancement

New bearer token authentication to proxied upstream npm private repositories. We added this support so you can now provide authentication credentials to your developers for several usages.

R Format Support

Nexus Repository Manager now provides native support for R repositories. R is a language used for statistical analysis and machine learning.

HSTS enabled by default for Inbound Jetty HTTPS connectors

Following security best practices HSTS is now enabled by default if Jetty based HTTPS connectors (jetty-https.xml) are used.

Ability to Clean Up by “Never Downloaded”

In the past, Nexus administrators could apply the “Last Downloaded Before” field and specify a certain date for cleanup. This new cleanup criteria will now allow the ability to delete artifacts and tags that have never been downloaded at any point in time.

If you have any questions or feedback, as always, connect with Sonatype experts and your peers by leaving a comment below or heading over to


Sonatype NXRM Team