Nexus 3.37.0-01 Holding Many files in /tmp/nexus?

I’ve got a reasonably fresh install of Nexus 3.37 OSS. I’ve been uploading packages from our old repository to it (via a bash script and a whole lot of curl posts), and notice that it seems to create lots of files in /tmp/nexus (ie. the tmp files storage location). It seems to delete some of these files, but continues to hold on to them, so the space is not returned to the operating system.

For example:

ls -l /tmp/nexus
-rw------- 1 nexus nexus 390627 Dec  6 10:36 9062782825936012913
-rw------- 1 nexus nexus 622831 Dec  6 10:39 9084232273460070609
-rw------- 1 nexus nexus 394072 Dec  6 10:41 9138135933766907165
-rw------- 1 nexus nexus 389640 Dec  6 10:35 9151339699576066519
(many files)
-rw------- 1 nexus nexus 625609 Dec  6 10:34 9153070826058366339
-rw------- 1 nexus nexus 625609 Dec  6 10:34 9177819176709486065
-rw------- 1 nexus nexus 386190 Dec  6 10:32 949051065493728029
-rw------- 1 nexus nexus 636119 Dec  6 10:45 949248672174908945
drwxr-xr-x 2 nexus nexus   4096 Dec  6 10:07 fileinstall--3095047162722324364
drwxr-xr-x 2 nexus nexus   4096 Dec  6 10:04 groovy-classes
drwxr-xr-x 2 nexus nexus   4096 Dec  6 10:08 nexus-ehcache
drwxr-xr-x 2 nexus nexus   4096 Dec  6 10:08 nexus-extdirect
drwxr-xr-x 2 nexus nexus   4096 Dec  6 10:09 outreach

Further, if look at lsof for the Java process, I see much the same:

java    89748 nexus 1304w      REG              202,1   631113               277346 /tmp/nexus/1230783275107600165
java    89748 nexus 1305w      REG              202,1   142668               277347 /tmp/nexus/3148034049482297053 (deleted)
java    89748 nexus 1306w      REG              202,1   119149               277348 /tmp/nexus/1743810799457723591 (deleted)
java    89748 nexus 1307w      REG              202,1    78187               277353 /tmp/nexus/5382883696070689459
java    89748 nexus 1308w      REG              202,1    64860               277354 /tmp/nexus/8492441650099179080
java    89748 nexus 1310w      REG              202,1   623825               277349 /tmp/nexus/6093362345927975447
java    89748 nexus 1311w      REG              202,1   140930               277350 /tmp/nexus/3076188474774348371 (deleted)
java    89748 nexus 1312w      REG              202,1   116986               277351 /tmp/nexus/1555700769386461673 (deleted)
java    89748 nexus 1315w      REG              202,1   631113               277355 /tmp/nexus/7795946018788676346
java    89748 nexus 1316w      REG              202,1   142668               277356 /tmp/nexus/597848602303470373

Looking at these files, they look like logs of package meta information, for the packages I’ve uploaded. Deleting the files doesn’t do much, I have to restart the Nexus process to get it to release the files (so the OS can actually free the disk space).

I’m in a slightly unusual situation in that I’m constantly uploading lots of packages (which is perhaps accelerating this problem), but I’m worried that at other times this will just be a slow creeping death. Any ideas what I can do about this?

Just to say, this was a new installation, so I don’t have previous backups and whatnot to downgrade to, and now I’ve spent a while getting it “user ready”, I’m stuck with this install until it’s fixed.

Still an issue in 3.37.3-02 :frowning:

Can you create an issue on our jira under the “Dev - Nexus Repo (NEXUS)” project on

Great - thanks. Done: Log in - Sonatype JIRA