Nexus IQ Server: Release 125

We’re excited to announce IQ Server 125!

Check out the full release notes here (as well as past release notes) and read the highlights below.

Improved Policy Evaluation Performance

A potential regression in policy evaluation performance introduced in Release 104 has been mitigated. This reduces the chance of lock timeout exceptions especially when using the default embedded H2 database.

New Source Control Configurations

Two new options were added to the Source Control Configuration to allow users to enable or disable pull request commenting and IQ initiated source control evaluations.

Pull Request Commenting Improvements

The policy evaluation selection for Pull Request Commenting has been optimized.

Conan Matching Improvements

Conan data and matching have been improved for both Lifecycle and Firewall.

Dependency Information Improvements for NPM

NPM Dependency Information detection has been improved to display more accurate results.

Source Control Repository Information Visibility

The repository configured under source control has been made more visible in the Organizations and Applications view.

Source Control Onboarding Performance Improvements

The Easy SCM Onboarding for Bitbucket Server has received some performance improvements.

Support for Pull Request Status and Target Branch Protection in Azure DevOps

The policy result for a scan is now available in the Azure DevOps pull request screen. This enables target branch protection for Azure DevOps.

Questions? We’d love to hear from you below.

Have a great weekend!

Tried upgrading from 121 - 125 Cannot login again.
Tried upgrading from 121 - 124 no problems.
Tried upgrading from 124 - 125 Same problem again.
Message in ui:

An unrecoverable error has occurred while loading the page.

Please try to reload the page, if the problem persists contact your server administrator. ({{error}})

Not sure if I should make a ticket for this, we can work on 124.

Hello @frank.bos & sorry to hear you’re having trouble- our Support team would be happy to take a look at this. You can email them at

Hello @mfrost thanks, Support team is working on it. Raised ticket.

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