Nexus OOS database support


There are some conflicting information on the forum and in the documentation about database support in Nexus OOS. I believe most forum users understand the Nexus documentation as stating that Nexus OOS only support OrientDB while H2 and ProgreSQL are reserved for Pro. This is confirmed by the answers from Sonatype AI Sona. This will no longer be the case when OrientDB is sunset. One answer on this forum suggests that new database options for Nexus OOS will be announced with release 3.71 but releases are often linked with cybersecurity corrections and OOS users may find themselves in the impossible situation of needing to upgrade due to cybersecurity concerns but having the database incompatibility. If Sonatype is monitoring this forum, could we please get some clarification on which databases are supported in Nexus OOS 3.70 and which will be supported in Nexus OOS 3.71 so we can plan ahead? I really appreciate your help in this matter.

Thank you

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Another Nexus OSS user here with the same question.

As mentioned at

Release 3.70.0 is the final release that will include OrientDB alongside H2 and PostgreSQL. Starting in August 2024, OrientDB, Java 8, and Java 11 will all enter extended maintenance as defined in our Sunsetting documentation. Release 3.71.0+ will require either an H2 or PostgreSQL database and Java 17.

What are Nexus OSS users like me (who are currently using OrientDB) going to do about the DB after 3.71.0? H2 and PostgreSQL are Pro options only as of now, so will Nexus3 OSS get the ability to run H2 and/or PostgreSQL from 3.71.0 onwards? And if so, how will we migrate from OrientDB to H2/PostgreSQL? Will there be a DB migration tool?

Asking because my organization is evaluating Nexus3 in OSS mode right now and we need to plan ahead.

Hi all! We’ve added a note to this page: Sonatype Nexus Repository 3.70.0 - 3.70.1 Release Notes

Note that both H2 and PostgreSQL are currently only available to Pro customers. We expect to announce a new database option for OSS customers and will provide detailed migration paths in our August 2024 release.

I would be nice, if Sonatype could give OSS users a “spoiler” on what to expect for 3.71.0, as there is a high chance that the migration path Sonatype will offer might not possible for all OSS users to implement - leading to finally moving away from the OSS version to Pro or another product.