Nexus OSS 3 and benefits of git-lfs

What are the benefits of using Nexus Repository Manager for git-lfs instead just installing something like gitlab or gitea and using their own git-lfs? I’m trying to figure out if I’ll overcomplicate stuff if I’m gonna use gitlab or gitea anyways and would use git-lfs at Nexus.

At our company, we use GitLab and its git-lfs server implementation for our git repositories. The benefit is that Gitlab maintains a refcount of the git-lfs objects and has a built-in scheduled task to prune orphaned items.

The downside, however, is that we have to watch the space requirements for the Gitlab server. We threw more disks at Nexus than we did Gitlab so there’s a little extra maintenance overhead.

We do plan on using NXRM’s git-lfs for other applications not tied to a direct git repo. The git-lfs API is flexible enough to serve as a raw blob storage that’s addressable by the object’s hash & size.

One of the common use cases we heard on creation was that companies wanted all their artifacts in a single repository manager/single source.
Obviously, this isn’t a requirement for everyone but thought worth mentioning.
Joe Tom