Nexus OSS fills urls with "magic port numbers"

I have upgraded from Nexus OSS 3.25.1-04 to Nexus OSS 3.30.1-01 and we are running into problems when accessing Nexus from a browser. Somehow the “magic port numbers” are returned as part of the urls…

Anybody seen this ?

The solution was to correct the /etc/jetty/jetty.xml and set forwardedPortAsAuthority to false:

          <New class="org.eclipse.jetty.server.ForwardedRequestCustomizer">
              <Set name="forwardedPortAsAuthority">false</Set>

I would guess that your reverse proxy might not be configured properly - Run Behind a Reverse Proxy

Hi Matthew - It’s a little bit strange as our proxy was not reconfigured when we upgraded from Nexus OSS 3.25.1-04 to 3.30.1-01. Jetty was updated multiple times, so I guess it was and error in the old Jetty used in Nexus OSS 3.25.1-04 which had been fixed in the new version used. We fixed it by adding the “section of code” above to the jetty.xml via our existing Ansible scripts and that fixed the issue.

There were some breaking changes in the embedded jetty version that makes some old reverse proxy configurations fail. X-Forwarded-Port overrides X-Forwarded-For · Issue #3782 · eclipse/jetty.project · GitHub