Nexus OSS wont load after upgrade

Hello All,

I am currently running Nexus 3.30.1-01 on Windows Server 2019 on a air gap network (no internet). When I go to upgrade to 3.31.1-01 or 3.32.0-03, the installation is fine, but when everything loads, I get a black welcome screen with nothing to click on. The whole window is Black. When I look at the console window, I don’t see any errors ( I turned outreach off ). Any ideas? Works fine on my Windows 10 Box.


I don’t suppose there are any errors in the nexus.log? Also check that you don’t have any ad-blocking software installed in case it’s blocking some of the web resources.

No errors are showing in the log. I uninstalled McAfee just to see if that was the cause, still the same issue. The issue was IE. IE works fine with version 3.30, but not 31 or 32. Had to install Google Chrome to get it to work. Is this a known solution / issue?

Ah, IE is no longer a supported browser for nexus repository manager so I’m not surprised it stopped working.