Nexus Presentations and Labs

How do I use it?

Sonatype Nexus, Sonatype Nexus Lifecycle, Repository Management and the Software Supply Chain

Presentations and labs suitable for a lunch-and-learn/brown bag session or a user group meeting with sample material available for anybody interested to use it.Please contact for assistance, if required.Now go check out the HTML slide decks at

Tips for Viewing

The html files in the root folder are all you need to show the presentations. They are self-contained and ready to be used on any browser.The PDF files are just for being able to print, if desired.Find some example material in the labs folder.Documentation for writing or using the presentations can be found at


If you need to modify and rebuild the slides, modify the source in the src folder and run


asciidoc with slidy2 backend install required.The gh-pages branch is a copy of master so you can just merge to it for new versions to be displayed on the site.

Where do I get this?

Who can I contact about it?
COMPANY: Sonatype